Hi guys, I recently went on a leather purchasing frenzy on ebay and now own a brand new leather tote (RRP$189) and a pair of vintage leather boots.
I%26#039;ve never had any leather products before, so was quite surprised when I did a google search and suddenly there seems like heaps I need to do to care for them.
Is that really neccessary? If so, what should I do to upkeep my purchases (I need solutions that are cheap and convenient)? If I did nothing and just used them like I would any other accessory, what could happen to them?
I just read that leather can%26#039;t be wet! So what happens if I get caught in the rain one day (which is bound to happen eventually)? Seems silly to pay so much for shoes that can%26#039;t get wet wherelse water just slides off cheaper materials.
Also, (sorry, I know I%26#039;m asking heaps but I just saved up for quite a while to buy these) I was under the (naive?) impression that leather lasts forever. Is that right? Or can leather tear just like any other material?
1st time owner of a leather bag %26amp; leather boots - any care needed? Are they waterproof?
Leather is great, and it does last forever.
Bermans leather has a very good conditioner that is also waterproof. You do need to use some of that because if you do get them wet they will leave water stains, then it will look darker and lighter in different spots.
It%26#039;s not something that has to be done all the time though. I did my boots and purse years ago and they are still like new, it works.
Whats great about leather is the older is is the better it looks as long as it%26#039;s not all stained. The conditioner keeps it soft too.
Reply:there are sprays you can buy in stored like COACH and shoe stores that will take care of your leather. leather DOES last a long time..........IF you take care of it. Buena suerte!
Reply:If it is real leather keep on hand polish that matches the color and saddle soap to follow. Polish helps keep the color if it fades or wear (the craking and creases) Saddle soap cleans and shines and helps to water proof the leather. Have a good one.
Reply:It lasts as long as you care for it. Go to a local convenience store (Wal-Mart works well) and buy leather treatment and waterproofer. It is water proof to a certain extent but i would not submerge it. If you do not care for you leather and keep it %26quot;lubed%26quot; up it will dry and crack.
Reply:ur question was a little big .. its absolutely correct that leather product need to be cared a liitle .... i can say the very easy and simplest thing to care for it .....just clean ur bag and shoes when u use and put in pure cotton cloth and try to wrap it so that air coulnt pass inside it ....and put in place where air hardly goes like ur wardrobe or cupboard but avoid keeping very dark or chances where water or MOISTURE exist ...then ur bag and shoes will long lasting
Reply:there are lotions that you use to condition the leather to keep it soft and pliable and more important is the silicone spray that protects the outside from water marks. read up and take care of the garments and they should last a long time,but definitely protect them
Reply:Saddle soap right away %26amp; then every 3 month or when needed like an oil change for for car.